Buffalo Schools Host Global Scholars Culmination Night Featuring Skype Call With Peers in Tokyo


JUNE 19, 2017

Buffalo Public School students who have participated in the Global Scholars program this year came together on June 8 with educators, parents, and administrators to celebrate and showcase their student work. Speakers at the event included Assistant Superintendent of Buffalo City School District Dr. Fatima Morrell, and Meg Louis, Vice President of Global Cities, Inc., as well as a few Global Scholars who also came up to the podium to present their work to the audience.

The event culminated in a Skype call between Buffalo students and their Global Scholars peers in Tokyo, Japan. The students exchanged questions with each other about their favorite parts of the program, information about their cities and schools, and their favorite sports, music, food, and books. Global Scholars from both sides were excited to find out about several shared interests.

The Global Scholars curriculum ends with students creating a Community Action Project that makes a difference in their school or city. One of the projects displayed at the event featured students who partnered with a felt manufacturing company that was disposing their excess felt in a landfill. The students repurposed the excess felt and designed products such as wallets, bags, and cardholders, which were successfully sold at an art fair. Throughout the year these Buffalo students learned about the links between technology and sustainability, saw an opportunity to develop a project, and were able to address a local issue through investigation and collaboration.